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The world’s softest and most hydrophobic mineral – Talc, a game-changer that brings innovation and efficiency to various products and processes. Talc, being insoluble and inert, imparts unique features to formulations, enhancing their performance and making them more effective.

The market offers various Talc grades containing Magnesium Carbonate, Dolomite, Calcite, Quartz, or Chlorite, each with distinct properties depending on their source. At Ambey Micron, we have the privilege of accessing some of the finest quality Talc reserves in India, giving us a competitive edge over other resources worldwide.

The performance of TALC products hinges on the particle shape (aspect ratio) and particle size distribution. Ambey Micron’s product portfolio boasts a wide range of milling characteristics, offering a narrow particle spectrum and efficient PSD curves.

Our diverse range of Talc products caters to a variety of applications, from Paper, Paints, Polyester Putties, Plastics, Adhesives, Cosmetics, Ceramics, and more. Sourced from the purest reserves and controlled residue, our Talc products delivers exceptional results.

Moreover, we also offer specialized high aspect ratio Talc, precisely controlling the particle size distribution for high-tech applications. This unique combination opens up new avenues for cutting-edge technologies and innovations.

With Ambey Micron’s Talc, you can elevate the performance of your products, enhance formulations, and optimize manufacturing processes.
